Contact Us

Contacting Us

We operate a number of different websites that can generate a good number of support issues. To keep it manageable... and to make sure your issues don't slip through the cracks... we use a single Helpdesk to manage all support enquiries.

In most cases, Members of a specific website with quick queries can simply reply to one of our emails and we'll get back to you ASAP. However, for anything COMPLEX or URGENT we do recommend creating a support ticket.

All non-Member enquiries should be directed through the EzSites Support Hub.

We apologise for any inconvenience, but unfortunately 90% of the messages being sent through our public-facing contact forms were submitted by spam bots, so we've had to switch to a closed system.

If you are in a hurry, we do recommend you check the Frequently Asked Questions shown below, as 90% of the enquiries we get are already covered there.